


Age: 7 – 12 yrs     Mar: 6, 13 , 20 March      Time: 11 – 12.30 pm    
Age: 7 – 12 yrs     Mar: 6, 13 , 20 March      Time: 2.30 – 4.00 pm    

Fee: $222 Free when you get a copy of Venus Rising – The Phoenix awakens at only $27!    

You save $200! Available for first 20 workshop registrants only!  

All the authors in this book are part of BNI Venus, Singapore. We are a business group that supports and unites women entrepreneurs. We meet weekly to support each other to grow ourselves and our business, forming bonds that grow into deep personal and professional relationships. 

We decided to do this book as a way to Give. To give back to ourselves – for the many trials & triumphs we have gone through – and to give back to many others out there who need encouragement and support to chart their own path to success, Their Way. 

In fact, in the process of producing this, our book became more than a book. It metamorphosed into an experience of women entrepreneurs honestly and unflinchingly sharing how overcoming the challenges in their life had transformed them, both personally and professionally. No story is more authentic than one’s own story. There is no testament of success stronger than the fact that each of us is still standing, head unbowed. 

We hope you will experience the same for your own Journey.

This book is already valuable on its own, but we decided to take this opportunity to present you with special offers & gifts exclusively for those who get this book. It’s our small way of saying ‘Thank You’ & how much we appreciate you.

Each of the authors have come up with a valuable gift for the buyer of our book at this launch.

The total value of these offers are worth more than SGD $6000. Wow!

So take your pick from a range of services for Corporate BossesBusiness OwnersProfessionalsParents & Individuals.


About Positive Intelligence



“We will one day look back and wonder why we used to raise our children without giving them this most critical foundation of self-awareness and mental fitness. I have no doubt we are co-creating that future.” – Shirzad Chamine –  author of the New York Times bestselling Positive Intelligence


Did you know that one of the key reasons you’re feeling stressed and troubled about things these days is because you’re not mentally fit enough to handle the current challenges of life?
The good news is that growing your mental fitness can be as simple as working on three “mental muscles”.
This 3-week  fun and highly interactive program aims to help you and your family 
Identify 3 Core Muscles of Mental Fitness
2) Discover the saboteurs – your invisible agents of self-sabotage.
3) Apply 10 PQ Reps – Innovative 10-second exercises to build your Self-Command muscle in the brain, make better decisions and increase your ability to respond instead of reacting to situations.
4) Identify their saboteurs through an online assessment (For parents)
PQ is a synthesis of recent breakthroughs in neuroscience, cognitive and positive psychology, and performance science.
Research included:
hundreds of CEOs
sales, operations, and technology teams Stanford students
elite athletes
400,000 participants from 50 countries
This research was summarized in Shirzad Chamine’s book Positive Intelligence, a New York Times bestseller, translated into 20 languages.
The research reveals that:
Saboteurs and Sage live in entirely different regions of the brain.
You can cause a dramatic shift in brain activation to weaken Saboteurs and boost Sage. 3 core muscles constitute mental fitness.


Hi I am Has, Founder- |Parent-Child Coach |Master Trainer | Positive Focus®
| am passionate about helping children & adults strengthen their mental fitness to increase positive emotions and thrive in a VUCA world. I look forward to meeting with you and family at the workshop! 
Together we can create a better world!

Want to know more about how to increase your Positive Intelligence?