Teacher Training
Nov 04, 2020 2022-02-04 15:16Teacher Training
Teacher Training
Focus on Taking Positive Actions!
Be A Positive Teacher / Parent (Kindergarten – 12 yrs)
Being Positive is not just about Positive Thinking!
Bring home more than 100 activities you can practice with children daily to foster optimism, raise IQ, EQ, PQ (Physical), self -awareness, communication skills and physical wellness.
Happiness is a conscious choice, it is not something that drops from the sky and into our children’s laps.
Thanks to neuroplasticity, we can develop the happiness muscle! Everything begins within!
Join us for an eye-opening journey into our signature program using Applied Positive Psychology, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Mindfulness, Music & Movement, Yoga Play, and Whole Brain Development techniques.
The High impact training will enhance your parenting or teaching knowledge, skills and habits. Take charge of how to deliver the joy of teaching in a supportive and positive environment!
Parents are the best teachers. As a parent, you have a profound impact on the lives of your children. With practical and easy to do holistic activities, you can optimize the benefits of the program to your family.
This concentrated high impact training will not only enhance your parenting skills, you can help others realize these benefits as an educator too.
This workshop is open to all individuals seeking to make working with children and families a career, or simply as an enrichment of knowledge to the infinite possibilities of Applied Positive Psychology, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Mindfulness, Music & Movement, Yoga Play and Whole Brain Development techniques.
Prerequisites to be an educator.
- Must Be Fit And Flexible In Mind And Body.
- Have A Strong Clear Singing Voice And Is Comfortable Singing In Public
- Demonstrate Strong Steady Beat Ability And Rhythmic Sensitivity
- Speak Good English And Able To Communicate Effectively
- Love Working With Children And Adults Alike
Virtual training available upon request!

Course Structure:
An interactive and hands-on workshop that encompasses demonstrations, break-out group discussions and presentations, lectures and practical sessions. Candidates will have ample opportunities to not only to understand the Positive Focus® approach but also to network with fellow candidates and gain insights from each other’s experiences and reflections.
• Practical Neuro-Linguistic Programming
• Introduction to Applied Positive Psychology and Positive Education
• Mindful Tools For Self-Care
• Introduction to Creative Drama
• Understanding the 7 chakras for beginners (the energy centres in our body in which energy flows through)
• Personality types – Basic applications of the Enneagram in parenting, teaching, and relationships. (Enneagram can be used to understand behaviour and dynamics.)
• Learning styles (Preferred representational system)
• Positive Classroom Management strategies
Especially for Parents & teachers working with children K-12 yrs!
- Exclusive A – Z Animal Safari Yoga Play
- Exclusive A – Z Fitness Fun with Body Alphabet
- Breathing exercises for children, parents, and teachers
- Brain – Balancing exercises
- Musical games and dramatic dances
- Exercises to enhance self – control skills & ability to listen
Limited space! Maximum 12 participants per intake to ensure maximum learning
We are pleased to provide further discounts for participants who are serious about enriching the lives of children and their families and have attained relevant certifications that will strengthen their potential to teach the Positive Focus Programmes.
Further discounts for participants with the following certifications
Certificate of Educational Studies, U.K.(Accredited by The College of Teachers, U.K.)
- Certificate of Educational Studies – Phonics
- Certificate of Educational Studies – Music & Movement
- Certificate of Educational Studies – Speech Development & Creative Drama
Students from The school of Positive Psychology
- Certifications from all levels of courses in the School of Positive Psychology
- Yoga instructors or Yogakids certification
- Neuro – linguistic programming (Practitioner) certification
- Speech & Drama Certification – Grade 5 and above
- Certificate in early childhood education
- Diploma in Montessori Method of education
$100 Off per certificate. *Capped at a maximum of $200
* Not valid with early bird promo.
Course Fees
Investment: $2000 / pax
Includes manuals, exclusive Fitness Fun with Body Alphabet Cards©, A – Z Animal Safari Yoga Chart, Music and Movement CD, 1 personality profiling test and 1 learning style test.
The workshop is highly hands on! More than 100 activities will be explored to Nurture Positive Habits that Last a lifetime for children K – 12 years. Be prepared to raise your energy levels and connect with your inner child.
Course duration
Duration: 24 contact hours + 2 months online reflective practice
Fees: $2000 per pax
Early Bird Group discounts available.
Private group request available.
Min: 3 participants.
Price inclusive of P.F.I.T manuals, Exclusive Body Alphabet Cards, Animal Safari Yoga Charts, 2 music CDs.
Payment Options
(1) PayNow
(2) Funds Transfer
(3) PayPal
Dress Code: Comfortable attire, preferably slacks, which allows positive expression of self for movement activities. As this is a shoes off event, socks is advised as it may get cold.
Watch our Positive Kids, Teens and Families share their experiences after our attending our programmes.
Want to know more about how to increase your Positive Intelligence?
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