Dec Holiday Camp – Kids & Teens Series

Holiday Camps
Dec 2022

A Positive Kids, Tweens and Teens series by Positive Focus®

❤️Empower your child with tools and strategies to tune in to their Power to improve learning and enhance well-being.
❤️Learn to defeat their internal saboteurs responsible for causing stress, anxiety, self-doubt, frustration, regret, shame, guilt, and unhappiness so they can be their best version.
Children will have the opportunity to gain empowering knowledge, skills and habits led by Miss Has A.R, Master Trainer / Parenting Coach, with more than 25 years of working with children, parents and teachers  together with her positive team.

“If you’re not physically fit, you’d feel physical stress as you climb a steep hill. If you’re not mentally fit, you’d feel mental pressure, such as anxiety, frustration, or unhappiness, as you handle work and relationship challenges.”

“Imagine what would happen to our world if we raised mentally fit kids. If our kids learned that they couldn’t trust every voice in their head, if they learned to discredit their Saboteurs, if they developed Self-Command and if they were able to activate their own positive Sage powers. What would happen to their ability to withstand bullying, flawed teaching, and abusive parenting?” – Shirzad Chamine-New York Times bestselling author of Positive Intelligence.

PQ synthesizes recent neuroscience, cognitive and positive psychology, and performance science breakthroughs. The research included: hundreds of CEOs, sales, operations, and technology teams, Stanford students, elite athletes 400,000 participants from 50 countries.

Whole brain learning

We employ active learning strategies to engage the mind, body and emotions to maximize learners’ participation and ignite a love for learning. Such methods include using music, dramatization, storytelling and games as instructional tools to engage multiple senses, increase energy and enthusiasm in the learning context and promote retention. 


1) What is Positive Intelligence & Mental Fitness

In this session, children will learn about PQ (Positive Intelligence) and how it can help with mental fitness, improve learning and enhance well-being to increase self-awareness and make better decisions.

Discuss how the positive mode, your Sage, and the negative mode, your Saboteurs, operate in different brain regions so that they can feel more confident and in control when faced with self-doubt and uncertainty.

2) Discover your ten saboteurs

In this session, students will have fun identifying the ten saboteurs. Discuss how saboteurs cause stress, anxiety, self-doubt, frustration, regret, shame, guilt, and unhappiness so that they can choose and decide how they want to feel instead and work towards their goals.

Brainstorm and expose the lies of the Saboteurs through dramatization so that they can discredit their negative self-talk and focus on activating their sage powers such as empathy, curiosity, creativity and more.

3) Practice and apply PQ reps

Throughout the camp, children will practice PQ reps (exercises) that involve shifting as much attention as possible to their body and five senses for at least ten seconds to increase focus and attention span and manage their emotions better. 

Brainstorm to create their own PQ Reps as a team.

Share their recommendations of the best time to practice the PQ Reps so that they can motivate each other and enjoy the process of creating their prefered exercise to develop a sustainable practice.

Actual Fee $450

Bring A Buddy Offer Ends 25th Nov

Bring a Buddy :

2 – to -go  (10%Off) : $405 / child 

  3 – to -go: (15% Off): $382.5 / child 

Includes 1 free 1 hr Parenting webinar  to empower parents with knowledge and skills on how to support their children after the camp so that they can continue building their mental fitness muscles. End the year with a flourishing finish and start 2023 strong!

Dates: 2nd or 16th Dec   Time: 8 – 9pm   Location: Tanglin Mall #03-11B (OMS). 163 Tanglin Rd, Singapore 247933

Watch our past participants in action!

Every footage you see in the videos below is shot spontaneously during our reflective practices.

We firmly believe that a child who is encouraged to express his ideas with freedom and safety in a an environment of respect, love, and compassion will be more equipped to thrive in the age of VUCA(volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity).

Yes! Together We Can Create A Better World!

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